Divine Secrets of the (Science) Sisterhood: Women STEM pioneers

Today’s Google Doodle honors Emmy Noether, a mathematician who made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of abstract algebra and theoretical physics.   Lindsay and I started this blog/podcast because we wanted to showcase the work of women in STEM (whatever fields that definition may or may not encompass). As we’re interviewing our wonderful and brilliant guests, […]

What does STEM really mean, anyway?

What does STEM really mean, anyway? Mumu and I keep trying to answer this question as we talk to more women and record more episodes. Directly translated, STEM is just an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, but it has so much weight in social conversations now and those four words leave out so […]

The Amazon Jungle: Drones and the FAA

Last summer Amazon made headlines with Prime Air, their prototype for a 30-minute delivery system using unmanned aerial vehicles. You can check out their concept video below. Just yesterday, the FAA granted Amazon an experimental airworthiness certificate to begin research and development of their delivery systems. So we’ll have drone delivery next week, right? Uhh … […]

#TheDress: Love it or hate it – we’re talking science

OK, I admit it.  We had the obligatory argument in the office over #TheDress. (I’m team #WhiteandGold) And here we are, four days later, still arguing over it. I don’t really care about the dress or most flash-in-the-pan social media events. But what I do care about is that for the last few days, all sorts […]

Picture of the Day – Growing Deltas in Atchafalaya Bay

Nature produces some pretty impressive things all on its own. This image of deltas in Atchafalaya Bay is stunning in its colors and what it symbolizes. Here’s the backstory on this vibrant wetland from NASA/Earth Observatory: The delta plain of the Mississippi River is disappearing. The lobe-shaped arc of coastal land from the Chandeleur Islands in […]

Episode 1: The Big (Bang) Introduction

DJI Phantom

For our very first podcast, Lindsay and I sit down to discuss drones and the future of unmanned systems. Door-to-door burrito delivery, please! Have a listen and let us know what you think in the comments. P.S. The pictured aircraft is of a DJI Phantom. Pretty nifty, n’est-ce pas?