Picture of the Day: Engineering Design Challenge

Photo Feb 27, 3 18 11 PM

There’s method to my madness. The University of Maryland had their annual Alumni Cup Competition. Each engineering department is given one week to complete a design challenge. This year’s theme was “How many engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?”

Photo Feb 27, 3 16 56 PM         Photo Feb 27, 3 10 17 PM

The chemical engineers wore lab coats and goggles. The civils had hard hats. Fire Protection had giant boots. Here in the aerospace department, we wore beanie propellers and red ties that said “Remove Before Flight.” A-dore-a-ble.

As work gets busy and papers start stacking up, I sometimes lose sight of the best thing about engineering: we get to build a better world. Literally.

Happy Friday, everyone.