Scotland, och aye – Travels with Mumu

Greetings from Scotland! Nessie also says hello.


I’m spending the week in Edinburgh for INCOSE 2016, an international symposium on systems engineering. (And already looking forward to next year’s conference in Australia.)

Scotland INCOSE 2016

One of the vendors brought along some cute freebies, which I’ve kidnapped. For science. #koalas4days

Photo Jul 18, 12 23 26 PM

It’s only day 2, and we’ve already had a magic show, men in kilts, and a Highland coo! And also a very useful morning brief on local geography, the UK and the EU. On behalf of the Americans in attendance, thank you.

Photo Jul 18, 8 27 32 AM

Photo Jul 18, 1 18 48 PM

There are many more presentations (and scotch tastings) left to go. Lest you think it’s all fun and games, there’s also some serious engineering work going on. I’ll have some thoughts on that later this week. For now, enjoy the pics, and perhaps also a wee dram. Slàinte!